In the fast-paced world of today, a good night’s sleep is a luxury many people long for. While most people need 7-9 hours of sleep, about one third of adults fail to reach these figures. Not getting enough sleep can affect both your mental and physical health, so it’s important to understand the benefits of creating an optimal sleep environment. From setting the right ambiance to working on smart habits, read on to discover how to create the perfect environment for sleep.

Ensure your bed is comfortable

The key to a good night’s sleep is to be as comfortable as possible, and a lot of this comes down to your bed. Make sure you’re sleeping on a supportive mattress that is good for your back, so you don’t wake up with aches and pains. It’s also important to use a high quality duvet and soft sheets – this will allow you to enjoy maximum comfort

Make the room as dark as possible

Many people who struggle sleeping are kept awake by too much light. Studies have shown that even exposure to a small amount of light can impair cardiometabolic function – therefore, it’s a good idea to make your bedroom as dark as possible. This can be done with blackout curtains, or even by wearing a sleep mask at night.

Eliminate distracting noise

Going to sleep in a fairly noisy environment means it’s likely that you will wake up a few times throughout the night, or struggle to fall asleep in the first place. A white noise machine can help drown out the loud noises you might be subject to during the night – alternatively, invest in some good old-fashioned earplugs.

Declutter your room

When we go to sleep in a clean and organised environment, it can elevate our mood and make us more motivated in comparison to waking up to a mess. Therefore, it’s a good idea to make sure our bedrooms are free from excessive clutter to boost our comfort and productivity levels.

Minimise electronics use

While it’s tempting to binge a Netflix series or scroll aimlessly through TikTok before bedtime, these habits are detrimental to your quality of sleep. This is because using electronic devices too close to bedtime will expose you to blue light, which throws off your circadian rhythm and tricks your body into thinking it’s still daylight. The production of melatonin, a hormone that makes you feel sleepy, will be delayed, making it more difficult for you to fall asleep on time.

Here at Blind of All Kinds, we stock a range of blinds and curtains that will ensure you get the perfect night’s sleep. From Roman blinds to wooden shutters, we’ve got you covered – to find out more about our collection of shades and blinds, please get in touch with us today.